
Minetest tnt
Minetest tnt

minetest tnt

If the TNT is primed atop any sort of fence post that is two blocks high or larger, it falls through the fence block on which it was activated and stops on the next lower one. The fuse timer keeps counting down (unless the spawn chunks are unloaded, then it pauses until a player loads the chunks). Primed TNT is not teleported when entering a nether portal instead, it passes through portal blocks.‌ Primed TNT teleports as expected when entering an end portal, maintaining its direction and speed. Because the TNT is no longer immersed in water, it can destroy the surrounding blocks. Priming the TNT causes the sand or gravel to fall one block, engulfing the TNT. to enter an ocean monument from the top, one can place sand or gravel on the TNT before it is primed. To make TNT destroy blocks in the water, e.g. It does still damage players, mobs, and other entities.‌ Primed TNT that detonates outside water can still damage submerged blocks. When primed TNT detonates while in water or lava, it does not break any blocks. Water/lava cannot push primed TNT into minecarts or boats. Primed TNT cannot be pushed by players or other mobs, but it moves when in flowing water or lava. The effect is dynamic and the brightened texture can't be found in the assets. Primed TNT's texture blinks, alternating every 0.5 seconds between the TNT block's texture, and a copy of it that has been brightened to near-white. The explosion has an explosive force of 4. If in the air, TNT falls roughly 77 blocks before exploding once it is ignited. When the countdown timer expires, the TNT explodes. Given these velocities, the TNT travels 0.166 blocks (or 6 block pixels) horizontally before it stops, given there is no block in the way. Once spawned, primed TNT is given a vertical velocity of 0.2 blocks per tick, and a horizontal velocity of 0.02 blocks per tick in a random direction. Its fuse lasts 40 redstone ticks (4 seconds/80 game ticks) if activated by redstone or fire, or a random number between 10 and 30 game ticks (0.5 to 1.5 seconds) if it is destroyed by another explosion. The new primed TNT is spawned at the center (+0.5,+0.5,+0.5) of where the TNT block was, like a cube with an edge length of 0.98. Once activated, TNT turns into an entity, which includes being affected by gravity. Two TNT blocks flank a trapped chest in one secret woodland mansion room. Nine TNT blocks occur naturally in each desert pyramid trap. However, primed TNT cannot be broken, as it is an entity, but it can be removed with the / kill command. TNT can be broken instantly with any tool, or without a tool.

Minetest tnt